
Saturday 15 October 2011

For reasons that remain unknown, in recent months I have found myself making up games. Not board games, or (heaven forbid) sport/fitness related games, but rather silly pointless little games that I can play anywhere, anytime with anyone. It could have something to do with my short attention span, or that my social life basically consists of playing a board game once a week and then having a cup of tea before bed so a lot of time I have to make my own fun, but for whatever the reason I have created a few games that can be played in your day to day life, and I am now going to share those games with you.

Game One: Is That Tim?
One night when I was sitting outside a movie theatre with a friend, I thought I saw another one of our friends Tim (mentioned in a previous post) getting out of a car. I hadn’t seen Tim in a long time, so I excitedly shouted “Is that Tim?! IS THAT TIM RIGHT THERE!?!... Oh, no. It’s not”. My friend and I found this so hilarious that we decided it should be a game. You can play it anywhere with anyone! Even if you don’t know anyone called Tim!

Okay, so it doesn’t seem that fun on paper, but trust me, it’s a whale of a tim.

"Is that Tim? Is that Tim RIGHT THERE?!"
"Oh... It's not. It's just a fart."

Game Two: Hypothetical Questions
Inspired by the love Emma and I have for hypothetical scenarios, this game is fairly simple to understand, but confuses everyone else. To play simple ask someone if you can ask them a hypothetical question. If they say yes, ask them a question that doesn’t seem to be a hypothetical question at all, e.g “What’s the time?” or “Can you direct me to the railway station?”. I’m just holding out for the day when someone responds with “Well, hypothetically speaking you could be asking this to me at 2:45pm, so its 2:45pm”, and then that person and I will be friends forever.

Game Three: Pun Shopping
Tired of grocery shopping being a boring task? Then why not give Pun Shopping a go!
To play Pun Shopping, simply make as many puns as you can using the names of the products in the shop. Examples: “We need to get our shopping done in a ‘Jiffy’ (firelighters)”, “I feel like I’ve been Schweppes of my feet!” “Arnott these puns great?”

Game Four: Fluro
This game is probably my favourite of them all. It all started when my friend Rachel and I got into the habit of saying “Fluro” every time we saw someone in a a fluorescent vest, shirt or jumper. The game has advanced since then, and now you don’t just say “Fluro”. The terminology is as follows:
  • One Fluro - “Fluro
  • Two Fluros - “Double Fluro”
  • Three Fluros - “Triple Fluros”
  • Four Fluros - “Quadruple Fluro”
  • Five or More Fluros “Flurry of Fluros”
  • You can also add what sort of Fluro it is. For example, a Fluro digging a hole becomes a Hole Fluro.
Well, that’s it for me. Now go forth, my hypothetical ducklings, go forth and play pointless games to your heart’s content.

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